Asylum confinement of Christopher Smart

Say ingles a managsulat Christopher Smart (1722–1771) sikatoy nipriso ed mental asylum manlupud Mayo 1757 anggad Enero 1763. Si Smart so inawat ed St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics, Upper Moorfields, London, nen 6 Mayo 1757. Sikatoy inawit diman na katulangan ton si John Newbery, anggaman nayarin sikatoy nipriso ed sakey a pribadon ospital parad saray buang. Legan a walad St. Luke's et insulat to so Jubilate Agno tan A Song to David, saray anlong ya ipapasen a sankamaongan a gawa to. Anggaman dakel ed saray kapanaonan to so mipakna a si Smart et "sintinsiaan", nanduruma iray salaysay nipaakar ed kipapasen to tan saray nansumpalan na satan, tan walaray maniisip a sikatoy agmatunong.

Half length and dark portrait of a serious and slightly plump man wearing a black academic gown with white collar, ruffled cuff, and a large mortarboard.
Christopher Smart

Si Smart et "agnasarag a paabigen" legan a walad St. Luke, tan sanen naupot so pundo parad pangasikaso ed sikato et inyalis ed Mr. Say asylum nen Potter, Bethnal Green. Say amta tayo labat nipaakar ed impanpriso to et sikatoy nansulat na anlong. Say inka-isolado nen Smart so amakiwas ed sikaton ikaindan iray anlong na anlong nen koma-18 a siglo a nankabaliksan na apalabas a kimey to tan mansulat na relihyoson anlong a singa say Jubilate Agno ("Manliket ed Kordero"). Ipapanengneng na saray anlong to a labay ton "naliktar a tampol", tan posiblin say panag-usisa ed sarili ya walad saray anlong to et pakapatnagan na ebanghelisyal a Inkakristiano.

Saray kritiko ed bandad sampot na koma-18 a siglo et inisip dan say inkabulok nen Smart so angiter ed sikara na rason pian ibaliwala so A Song to David to, balet diad tinmumbok a siglo et inisip nen Robert Browning tan saray kapanaon to ya say kipapasen to so lapuan na inkasilib to. Diad koma-20 a siglo, sanen adiskobre lamet so Jubilate Agno (agni nipalapag anggad 1939), saray kritiko et ninonot da lamet so kaso nen Smart tan sikatoy impasen dan sakey a rebolusyonaryo a managsulat, say posiblin puntirya na plano na katulangan to, sakey ya publisher, pian sikato so patundaen.

Saray reperensiya

  • Ainsworth, Edward G. and Noyes, Charles. Christopher Smart: A Biographical and Critical Study. Columbia: University of Missouri, 1943. 164 pp.  
  • Anderson, Frances E. Christopher Smart. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1974. 139 pp. ISBN 0-8057-1502-9ISBN 0-8057-1502-9
  • Battie, William. Treatise on Madness. London, 1758.  OCLC 181708957
  • Binyon, Laurence. "The Case of Christopher Smart". The English Association No. 90 (December 1934).  OCLC 1903700
  • Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. Christopher Hibbert. New York: Penguin Classics, 1986. ISBN 0-14-043116-0ISBN 0-14-043116-0
  • Brain, Russell, Some Reflections on Genius and Other Essays. London: Pitman, 1960.  OCLC 217570
  • Browning, Robert. Parleyings with Certain People. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1887. 268 pp.  OCLC 758148
  • Curry, Neil. Christopher Smart. Devon: Northcote House Publishers, 2005. 128 pp. ISBN 0-7463-1023-4ISBN 0-7463-1023-4
  • Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason trans. Richard Howard, London: Routledge, 1989. ISBN 0-679-72110-XISBN 0-679-72110-X
  • Guest, Harriet. A Form of Sound Words: The Religious Poetry of Christopher Smart. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. 312 pp. ISBN 0-19-811744-2ISBN 0-19-811744-2
  • Hawes, Clement. Mania and Literary Style: The Rhetoric of Enthusiasm from the Ranters to Christopher Smart. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xii, 241 pp. ISBN 0-521-55022-XISBN 0-521-55022-X
  • Hunter, Christopher. The Poems of the late Christopher Smart. Reading, 1791.  OCLC 78233305
  • Ingram, Allan. Patterns of Madness in the Eighteenth Century. Senate House: Liverpool University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-85323-982-7ISBN 0-85323-982-7
  • Jacobs, Alan. "Diagnosing Christopher's Case: Smart's Readers and the Authority of Pentecost". Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 50, 3–4 (Spring-Summer 1998): 183–204.
  • Keymer, Thomas. "Johnson, Madness, and Smart" in Christopher Smart and the Enlightenment. Ed. Clement Hawes. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. ISBN 0-312-21369-7ISBN 0-312-21369-7
  • Mathews. "Thin Partitions" in The Academy. Volume LX. London: Oxford University Press, 1901.
  • Mounsey, Chris. Christopher Smart: Clown of God. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2001. 342 pp. ISBN 0-8387-5483-XISBN 0-8387-5483-X
  • Piozzi, Hester. "Piozziana". Gentleman's Magazine CLXXXVI (July 1849).
  • Rieger, Branimir. Dionysus in Literature. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1994. ISBN 0-87972-649-0ISBN 0-87972-649-0
  • Rosen, Charles. Romantic Poets, Critics, and Other Madmen. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. ISBN 0-674-77951-7ISBN 0-674-77951-7
  • Sherbo, Arthur. Christopher Smart: Scholar of the University. Michigan State University Press, 1967. 303 pp.  OCLC 358625
  • Smart, Christopher. The Poetical Works of Christopher Smart, I: Jubilate Agno. Ed. Karina Williamson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980. 143 pp. ISBN 0-19-811869-4ISBN 0-19-811869-4
  • Smart, Christopher. The Poetical Works of Christopher Smart, II: Religious Poetry 1763–1771. Ed. Marcus Walsh and Karina Williamson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1983. 472 pp. ISBN 0-19-812767-7ISBN 0-19-812767-7
  • Smith, Ken and Sweeny, Matthew (editors). Beyond Bedlam: Poems Written Out of Mental Distress. London: Anvil Press Poetry, 1997. 160 pp. ISBN 0-85646-296-9ISBN 0-85646-296-9
  • Szasz, Thomas. The Manufacture of Madness. London: Paladin, 1972.  OCLC 57487
  • Toynebee, P. and Whibley, L. (editors) Correspondence of Thomas Gray, Ed. P. Toynbee and L. Whibley Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1935.  OCLC 310472708
  • Youngquist, Paul. Madness & Blake's Myth. University Park: Penn State University Press, 1989. ISBN 0-271-00669-2ISBN 0-271-00669-2